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by passiveincome71

OK, here is my passive income experience

Ebooks – I have written several ebooks and they generate a nice little amount of money each month, if I promoted them more and wrote more it could be a real business. One of my favorite forms of passive income

Websites – No I don’t count this one, I have several websites in a niche. I earn a good living with adsense and affiliate revenue

Youtube – A couple of channels, one is monetized and bring sin some money. Again if I had more time I would push it further but I’m not much of a guru with producing videos

P2P – 4 different accounts with UK P2P lenders, I like this although they seem to be gong through a difficult time.

Crypto – Various crypto wallets, this has great potential STILL but it’s a bit to gamed for my liking. Very volatile and would require a lot of time constantly looking at charts

Stocks – Yep, dabbled in this but backing off. Still think there could be a big fall in the markets (after the COVID-19 one)

REITs – Can’t afford big retail investment but a couple of REIT’s based in the Uk are showing promise.

I have also dabbled in several others which is why I give my honest assessment of things like Captcha solving, reward cards and survey sites – they are not profitable for me.

Too much time / too little return = no point